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H5P is an online open source software that offers a variety of possibilities and approaches using various tools in order to digitalize individual teaching and learnig learning content. The software is available at Freie Universität Berlin for use as a plugin within the Wordpress blog system.


Learning content in H5P are not suitable for becoming a complete digital copy of courses. For this the reduced set-up of the tools does not allow enough room. In addition, the comprehensive portrayal of content and facts within numerous H5P content units is questionable and not really goal-oriented. We are dealing more with the fact that existing as well as tried and tested teaching and learning processes are supplemented with H5P. This can be an alternative knowledge dissemination format (accordion, agamotto, branching scenarios), the activation of students through short, fomative formative assessment elements (multiple choice, drag and drop, fill in the blanks) or even the interlinking of both of these formats (interactive video).


As we are dealing with a plugin within the blog system of the Freie Universität, the there valid data protection and terms of use regulations apply.

The learning tools of H5P are open source and freely accessible. Therefore there is, on the software side, no central update management. When updates are available this is shown within the plugin. However, neither CeDiS, H5P or nor their community can be made liable for the functioning of the content at any one time (especially if an update has been made).
