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Course title

"Making Children's Rigths Rights Real. Advocacy, Monitoring, Self-organization"

Course typeLecture series
Degree programChildhood Studies and Children's Rights M. A.


Prof. Dr. Manfred Liebel (guest professor at the Freie Universität Berlin) as well as various lecturers and lecture assistants

No. of participants

15-20 depending on the lecture

Online up to 10 participants


No credit points


The organizers of the lecture series collected the written permission from all lecturers for the streaming and recording of the respective presentation. The lecturers received all necessary information beforehand. The lectures were recorded with Adobe Connect. Thereby a an

Link in New Window
linkTextexternal webcam with integrated microphone
was used. In a larger lecture hall the lecturer needs a microphone. For questions from the audience an external hand microphone was handed around. The questions from the online room were read out by the moderator. 
